My friend J's Daughter had her baby and she is such a Princess. That's what I call her too. I call and ask how the Princess is. She was born friday night at 8:32pm weighting 7 lbs 3oz and 20 inches long. Just a little peanut. The Big One and I went and saw her Saturday morning. You would have thought he won the lottery or something the smile he had on him. He has never seen a baby that small or young and he held her twice was biting at the bit to hold her lol as I was. Then I went up there Sunday in the afternoon I was there for almost 4 hours lol loved it. Changed her feed her. Loved on her lol. Talked with J. She loves her to pieces but wished N would have waited as we all do. But N and D are doing a great job with The Princess. Its so cute. Then last night I made Lasgana for them and today I took it over there they were so thankful. They loved and said it was good. I got to love and feed and change The Princess. I burped her and she spit up everywhere, But did not get any on me lol. Here are some pics of The Princess and The Big One. I also have some of me but no.
The Big One and The Princess

The Princess

She is such a doll. I have a pic on my phone of just her face and she does look like just a Doll.
Where they had her, 1 of the gifts is a Vera Bradley Diaper bag. I LOVE VERA BRADLEY. I have wanted a Diaper Bag for a while but could never justify getting one since I don't have a baby. I like the bright colors right now I carry the Raspberry Fizz Messenger and have the wallet to match. I had talked to J and N before they had The Princess and they didn't want to Diaper bag so I said I would buy it from them but they said no they would give it to me as a Birthday Present I was totally happy with that lol. So When I walked in to the Hospital on Saturday what pattern should I see in the diaper bad The Raspberry Fizz. So completely jazzed lol. It was meant to be.
Vera Bradley Messenger Bad. Mine is the older version.

The Vera Bradley Diaper Bag. Love It.

Photos from www.verabradley.coom