Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have figured it out!!!

hahaha. Like anyone will read this cause its been over 2 years. I am going to make this a crafting blog. I love to craft. Quilt, Scrapbook, Diaper Cake, Nails. Oh I love to do my nails. So yep thats what Im doing. Will have my first craft post tonight. It will be slow going at first since I just had surgery last week. and Im still tired as heck but I am really going to try this time.

talking about nails. I was looking at Jacki's blog Adventuresinacetone and she had this deal up for a Nail Art 15 piece Brush Set for 9.99 at Mash and I had to grab it. I hope it come really quickly. No Shipping cost or tax. 9.99 is a steal.

2 comments: said...

I read it! stopped by from sits. looking forward to your craft post:)

Robin said...

Congratulations on finding your direction. Not knowing what you want to do can be so frustrating.

Best wishes as you move this new direction.

Stopping by from SITS. Have a great weekend.