Due to allegics we do not own any pets. We have Zhu Zhu Pets. So why in the world did I get a dog complaint from animal control. The complaints were failure to remove animal waste from public or private land(yea because of my neighbors), your animal was reported to be running at large, your animal was reported to be a public nuisance, we have no record of your animal having a current city pet registration(yea because I don't have one), we have no record of your animal having a current rabies vaccination(again because I don't have one).
So I called Animal Control and let them know that I have in no way shape or form have an animal. they took my name and address in case someone complains again. Then I complained about my neighbors dog. They let it out and it barks at all hours of the night. Drives me crazy.
do you think I did the right thing about complaining about thier dog.