Sunday, February 14, 2010

10 things I love about my Love!!!!

Today prompt by Mama M is 10 things I love about my Love.

What I love about L

1. How nice he is.
2. How he treats my kids'.
3. That I can tell him anything and he still loves me.
4. All his sisters. He is the only boy and has 7 sisters and I love them all.
5. His mother, she is such a sweet lady.
6. His kids. We have had a rough time since I'm closer in age then I am
with their dad.
7. His love for travel. I love to travel.
8. The fights, hehehe. we hardly fight but then if we never did we wouldn't
have the make-up stuff lol.
9. His love for animals even thou I don't like them its cute seeing him with
10. Him being Him, that's what I fell in love with.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Photo Day!!!

Mama M wants a Photo. Here's the thing I don't do them. Im the photographer. So i'm going to have to pass on this one. But my man is awesome. He is 15 years older and grey. I love it. plus the amount of hair oh my goodness I love it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Your SO'd biggest Romantic screwup!!

I like today's Prompt by Mama M. It is your SO's biggest romantic screw up. I would like to say I have a funny story but I don't. We have been together on and off(more off) the last 10 years. this year will be the first year we have been together for Valentines' Day in while plus my birthday in August which is a big one. He better not screw up or Ill kill him lol.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wedding Day!!

Today's' Prompt by Mama M is Wedding day. Since yesterday you learned I have never been asked to marry, you will probably be shocked to know I have never had a wedding day. HEHE BUT again I'm not bitter and I only cried at my cousin's wedding was because I was happy get it HAPPY. lol.

I would also like to thank Mama M I think this will help deal with this holiday. So on with the show. Since I have not had a wedding I will tell you about my dream wedding.

Since me and MR. will be all atwitter with love, nothing can possible go wrong. How is that so MOM2KMJx2? SOMETHING always goes wrong, it wouldn't be a wedding it something didn't go wrong? (side note: it took me 3 times to write that because this mini-laptop kept messing up). Why won't anything go wrong because we are going to Disney baby. I only want my parents, his parents(if still around, wouldn't be my dream wedding if I didn't say they were not around hehehe. I have 1 dreaded MIL(The Big One's grandma) I don't need another). So my parents and Kids'. That's it. Since I am losing all this weight I am going to wear a pretty white summer dress nothing too fancy. The colors are royal (get it royal for a princess like me lol, still reading lol)purple and silver. everyone will get their own cake. And we will have the cake for our 1 year. It will get married down by the water. all very elegant. It will be in the morning so we can play the rest of the day. the day after my parents will take the kids' back home. Mr. and I will stay for 2 weeks and play til our hearts content. We will get bride and groom mickey ears. We won't have to worry about money because he will be rich. I will finally be treated like the princess I am.

Hehe who am I kidding I will be lucky to ever get married and if I do we will probably just go down to the JOP.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Big One Turns 11!!!

The Big One turns 11 today. Being he is a double digit midget I thought I would share the story, The one he will hate me for hehehe.

I hate being pregnant. I was 17 when I got pregant and 18 when I had him. From the beginning I knew I wanted him. I myself could not have an aportion or put him up for adoption. I now I was young but I was ready. I gave up everything. I use to drink, do drugs. I was bad. I would leave as soon as my parents got home from work and be home just in time for them to go to work. I would then sleep all day and plan what I was doing that night. I stopped all that when I found out I was pregnant. I just wish I could say the same for my cousin whose daughter is 6 months younger then my son.

The first 4 months were bad. I threw up all the time but I was gaining weight nicely. Then I balloned and I mean BALLONED. Overall I gained 76 lbs with him. I did find out what I was having. I was excited but I secretly wanted a girl. ( I still do). But I was happy. At the time I was a big Michael douglas fan, but I didn't want his first name to be Michael, so I made it his middle name. Pickin out the first name was a little harder and at one time Alan was considered. I didn't pick that and I found a name that I loved and fit perfectly with Michael and thats how KMJ was born.

We got everything we needed and awaited his arrival. I worked until Jan. 1999. His due date was feb. 5th but he had other plans. I remember labor starting clearly. I was walking around the mall when the contractions starting. I was with my cousin and her boyfriend. She was 3 months pregnant. I wanted him bad so I walked. That was on a Friday. On Saturday I was so uncomfortable that I ended up going to the hospital nd got sent home. GRR. same thing happened Sunday. I finally said thats it I'm going back until he is coming out. Tuesday morning. I was having some back contractions so I took a bath and they kept coming.

We get to the hospital for the 3rd time and I lost it. I told the nurse I couldnt do it anymore. This was the 3rd time I hav been here in as many days. Thankfully she felt pity on me. I got a room nd they started potacin about 1pm. and I got an epidual shortly there after. I was in heaven for the first ime in days. About 9pm I was checked and at an 8. I couldn't wait. Remember I was 18 and stupid. I had NO idea what was going to happen. I also had a low pain treshold. At about 930 I was told to start pushing. I knew this was the end and thought it would go quickly but it didnt. Starting at about 1030 I kept asking if I could stop and finishing tomorrow. They wouldn't let me. (gross coming up and TMI) since I was young and 1 of our friends was one of the nurses. She thought she would scare me by having me watch him coming out and touch his head. I remember just looking at my fingers digusted. lol.

He was born at 11:12 pm weighing 8 lbs 12 oz. 21 and half inches long. I started nursing right away and nursed him for 2 and a half years. I took to motherhood immediately. I loved it and still due.

If I could change anything it would be my age I would have waited. But I think I also have advantage of being young. I love my kids'. So there you have it the birth story of The Big One.

Happy 11th Birthday, Big One. Mommy loves you. I hope you have many more birthdays to celebrate.

Engagement Story!!!!

Another prompt from Mama M. Todays is Engagement Stories.

I have nothing here since I have never been asked. And no not bitter at all. lol

Monday, February 8, 2010

Best Date Ever!!

today's prompt from Mama M is Best date ever.

I would have to say my Best date Ever was one of my first dates. I think I was 15 or 16 and he was 18( yes I have always liked them older). We started out with getting some KFC. HMM love me some KFC. We took it back to his house and ate close together lol. Then we went to the stockcar races. I loved it. It was so loud, The crashes(no one got hurt). i wish I had that much excitement in my life now lol.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

How I met the Love of my life.

Since I have time today, I am prewriting post promted by Mama M.

todays theme is How you met the love of your life. So it is.

I have loved 2 men in my life. the first 1 I lost to a drunk driver 4 days before our son turned 2 which happened to be 10 years ago on Feb. 4th. Here is our short story.

We both worked for the Padres/ Chargers at Qualcomm Studium. I worked the concession and he was one of the walk-arounds serving the people in the crowd. I was working the ground floor where the expensive seats where. My big job was to clean up the ketcup and mustard spells. Oh I know you want to be me lol. I also had to refill them to. Please don't be jealous it was a job that had to be done lol. So I had to stand out there and watch for spills and K would walk by to go to another section or to go get more food to sell. We started talking, he was a little bit older but I didn't care. We were both excited when we found out I was pregnant. He wanted kids' and loved them. He watched the players(both chargers and padres' kids') often. When I was about 5 months pregnant he went back to WV to help his mom with his Grandfather wasn't doing too good. What we didnt know is he would never make it back. He was getting ready to come back when the accident happened. I know he was gone awhile and he hated it. He's grandpa died a couple years after he did. I look at our son and Can't believe the amazing person we made.

I will save the other man I loved or still love for another day. Lucky you. lol

Saturday, February 6, 2010

And then I lied on accident,

I wrote that post about how I not be posting much until I get my computer back. Then I went to Mama M and get had prompt's for Valentines Day and I couldn't resist. I have spent most of the day answering them, they will post at different times every day. So enjoy. Plus I have a special post to post at 11:12pm (eastern time) on Tuesday for The Big Ones 11th birthday. Which I'm still in denial about. hehe.

Five Question Friday-Valentine Style

Mama M would be so proud that this is coming out on Friday and not Saturday lol. Or at least I hope so. Here is my Five Question Friday on a Friday this week lol Also Valentine Style.

1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?

Making me laugh. I tend to be really hard on myself and he has a way of putting a smile on my face when I get that way. Of course sometimes I don't want to hear it and can bite his head off lol.

2. When did you know your love was "the one"?

Almost from the beginning. We were neighbors and I remember the first time I saw him. I was staning in my kitchen had just gotten something out of the fridge and there he was. In his casual blues for work. The thought that went through my mind was "I'm going to marry him". Of course its been almost 10 years and I'm still working on it lol.

3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?

He did before I changed phone. I'm all out of Love by Air Supply. I want to find a new one but haven't taken the time.

4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?

Its weird but I have to say how much hair he has. He has ALOT of hair. Everywhere. I love it. I love running my hands thur it.

5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?

Nope since I'm still waiting lol.

Five Question Fridays-(Saturday Version)

This is starting to become a trend because by Friday's I'm beat and the house needs cleaning. I hope Mama M does not mind.

1. What are you most afraid of?

Leaving my Kids'. Or something happening to the kids'. Bridges, Airplanes.

2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron?

Neither I'm very low maintenance, I get up brush my hair and put in a ponytail. People always notice when I leave my hair down, they are shocked at the lenght of it. When I lose 50 lbs I am doing something to my hair and I'm not telling anyone. right now I have enough for lock of love. I am half way to the 50 lb mark.

3. Hands-free or phone to the ear?

depends on who I'm talking to. most of the time No. If I start a marathon call with my sister or a good friend then yes. I have not used it on my cell since I got the new one a year ago. Should learn since they are getting ready to start No Cell while driving.

4. Do you have a matching bedroom set?

That would be a BIG FAT NO lol. no headboard, my dresser is half purple, half white with 2 missing fronts on the drawers. and my TV stand is beige.

5. Do you believe in the paranormal?

OH yes, There is a ghost here, friendly here. he likes to lay on me he is weird. I know its guy because while on vacation this summer, a friend stayed here and her son saw him. The most recent thing to happen was I was trying to get to sleep and I felt him, when he does that I can't move no matter how hard I tried. The Big One was right behind me. After a few minutes he moved to The Big One and he started twitching. I know weird but true.

When we lived in Ky. we had a couple ghosts. 2 I know of at least. I think 1 was a teenager liked to play ball and walk around. One right he was playing ball in my kitchen which was right next to my bedroom, I asked him to stop and he walked from the kitchen thur my room and sat on the couch. The other 1 had to be a child because they liked to play with The Big One toys in the middle of the night. That one annoyed me lol.

My Laptop!!!!

I had to take my computer into the doctors, so I'm using my son's mini laptop and its driving me crazy lol. so posting will be little until I get my computer back. Thankfully it was under warranty. There was so much wrong with it lol. The fan was fried, there were black dots on the screen, one of the USB ports was moving and was unusable, and the screen moved, and The Big One let it fall off the bed so one of the mouse keys was broken I can't wait to get it back. Warranty rocks lol.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Not a good week for us!!!

The first week and a half is never a good week for us. On Feb. 4th,2000,I lost my love to a drunk driver. He was out with 2 friends and all 3 were killed on impact. 4 days later Our son turned 1. Even thou our son never knew his wonderful father he still takes this day very hard. I don't blame him. I could not imagine it. this is what I put on my facebook.

I'm apologizing now for this week. Thursday marks the 10 year of K's death. And The Big One does not deal well with it. My heart breaks for my son that never knew the wonderful man that was his father. I weep for K for never being able to know his great son. We Love you and miss you, K. Please take care of us from up there this week.

I have already started crying today and its only Monday. The Big One had a counseling appt. this morning. his 1st one at this new place. It was very emotional so we just came home. He does not want to go to school on Thursday and I will probably let him. He is not alone in his class with having a father that has passed. He is the only one who lost him so young.

Next Tuesday The Big One turns 11. We are going to the capital city and going to the Children's Museum. Hopefully we will be able to have some fun.